Documentary Films
Martha Honey conceptualized, raised the funds, and oversaw the production of CREST’s three educational documentaries.
The Goose with the Golden Eggs:
Tourism on Costa Rica’s Pacific Coast
(Film, 34 minutes): This film compares the costs and benefits of large-scale resorts, vacation home development, and cruise tourism with models of sustainable coastal tourism and small-scale ecotourism for which Costa Rica is best known. The film portrays the challenges coastal communities are facing from all-inclusive resort tourism over water, beach access, land ownership, protection of mangroves, and other issues and the benefits communities say they are receiving from eco-lodges and sustainable tourism resorts. To view, click here.
Caribbean Green Travel: Your Choice Makes a Difference
(Film, 45 minutes): This film reveals the Caribbean beyond mass-market cruise and large resort tourism. Through the power of good examples, the film includes portraits of tourism businesses in Jamaica, the Dominican Republic, Aruba, and Grenada that are practicing environmental stewardship and generating social and economic benefits for local communities. To view, click here.
Travelers’ Philanthropy: Giving Time, Talent, & Treasure
(Film, 36 minutes): This first-ever documentary on Travelers’ Philanthropy (Impact Tourism) profiles community and conservation projects in Costa Rica, Kenya, and Tanzania that are being assisted by tourism companies and travelers. To view, click here.