
Responsible Travel Consulting offers a wide range of services focused on designing,  strengthening, and evaluating sustainable and responsible forms of travel. CEO Martha Honey, Ph.D., is a well-respected leader in the field of responsible travel and ecotourism. She brings decades of experience with project development and management; directing on-site and office-based projects; organizing conferences, forums, and think tanks; presenting courses and workshops; and public speaking, academic lectures, and media interviews. Her skills also include writing, editing, and publishing, grant writing, fundraising, and budget development and management.

Martha has worked on sustainable tourism in the U.S. and in more than 3 dozen countries around the globe. Clients have included destinations, regional and national governments, environmental and other nonprofit organizations, travel associations, foundations, international aid and development organizations, and individual businesses.

Martha has the capacity to work as an individual consultant, as part of a team, or to assemble and direct a team of experts.


Strengthening Ecotourism and Sustainable Tourism

  • Sustainable tourism potential and trends, including in the post-pandemic ‘new normal’

  • Assessment of assets and market readiness

  • Responsible travel niche markets: culinary, health & wellness, adventure, marine-based, nature-based, animal welfare, cultural and historic, artisanal and handicrafts, bird-based tourism, etc.

  • Climate change and tourism: mitigation and adaptation

  • Capacity building and training

  • Overtourism: analysis of causes and solutions


Market Analysis 

  • Market research, assessment, and trends for tourism destinations and specific sectors

  • Economic, social & environmental impacts of different types of tourism

  • Comparative value: cruise vs. stayover, wildlife hunting vs. viewing, large resort vs. eco-resorts/eco-lodges, etc.

  • Tourism costs and benefits. including for parks and protected areas and World Heritage Sites

Strategic Planning, Certification, and Best Practices

  • Sustainable tourism strategies and business plans

  • Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) Destination Assessment

  • Analysis of certification issues and programs

  • Practical experience as Certified Tourism Ambassador (CTA)


Indigenous and Community Based Tourism

  • Training in best practices for small-scale, community-based, and indigenous businesses

  • Project planning, development, operations, and assessment

  • Protecting indigenous and community rights in tourism projects

Travelers’ Philanthropy/
Impact Tourism

  • Developing, managing, and measuring impacts of ‘give back’ programs

  • Determining best practices

  • Training and education

  • Voluntourism: pros and cons

  • Creating destination-wide programs

  • Market potential and trends
